For a start let me tell you how all of this business started. I wanted to go to Greece to research about Greek mythology as I had finished reading the Percy Jackson series for like the nth time. Wow! Whilst researching I asked my aunt for some input as she and my uncle traveled a lot. And she recommended this book saying that this book contains almost all the mythology and cultures with 70 characters and 23 cultures. That was enough. I was so excited that I couldn’t wait to read about everyone.
When I first opened the book the first name I searched for was The Greek God of the Sea: Poseidon. A dialogue from Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian said by Poseidon rang in my ears “Rise my brethren”. And not to mention the illustrations WOW! So bold , strikingly rich and lustrous.
I also liked how Norse mythology took place. Some of my other favorite characters were Cu Chulainn, Mithra, Odin, Loki, Seth etc., One person who was really well explained was “Vishnu: The Preserver. Brahma was The Creator, Shiva was The Destroyer”. Korwin Briggs explained about Vishnu’s ten avatars or The Dasavathar. Matstya: The Fish man, Kurma: The tortoise who helped churn the ocean, Varaha : The Boar man, Narasimha : Slayer of Hiranyakashipu , Vamana: The Dwarf man, Parashurama: The Saviour of the Brahmins, Rama: Rightful King of Ayodhya, Krishna: The Godly Charioteer, The Buddha: The Kingly Peacemaker, Kalki: Destroyer of the world. Such a fearsome & ferocious god. As an Indian, I am proud to say that Hindu gods are also being known to a lot of people. So after telling you all you need to know about in this book there is something very important I should tell you THE RECOMMENDATION: I would recommend this book for ages 8+ or 9+
I am attaching the link to my review of this book on YouTube: